Our Trainers

Nick Dewey
Dorinel Patriche
Siddheshwar Chopra
Bradley Johnson

Replays of Past Courses

MiraMate Online Course Replay for Magic Pro

Watch a replay featuring Dr. Siddheshwar Chopra from July 16, 2024, as he discusses the features and applications of MiraMate Magic Pro, focusing on its use in PEMF therapy.

Online Course Replay for Big Magic and Mini Magic

This replay features a webinar from May 3rd, 2024, with Sara Fancy discussing PEMF therapy, the benefits of MiraMate Big Magic and Mini Magic, and comparisons to traditional medical care, followed by a Q&A.

Big Magic and Mini Magic Online Training Replay

This webinar was hosted by Bradley Johnson on Sep 15th, 2023. He talked about the theory and the benefits of Big Magic and Mini Magic.

Online Course Replay for Magic Pro

This webinar was hosted by Dr. Siddheshwar Chopra on Aug 25th, 2023. He talked about the theory and the benefits of Magic Pro.

Online Course Replay for Mini Magic and Big Magic

This webinar was hosted by Nick Dewey on November 23rd, 2023. In this webinar, Nick introduced the principles of PEMF, as well as the differences between Mini Magic and Big Magic, along with their respective advantages.

The Basics of Big Magic and Mini Magic

This webinar was hosted by Nick Dewey on May 14th, 2022. He talked about the theory and the benefits of MiraMate devices and shared some user reviews.

Online Course Replay for Ray Gun

This webinar was hosted by Debbie Rich on Oct 27th, 2023. She talked about the working theory and benefits of Ray Gun and answered some questions.

MiraMate Devices and Their Health Benefits

This webinar was hosted by Dorinel Patriche on Feb 24th, 2023. He talked about the benefits of MiraMate devices and their helpfulness with eye problems.

Webinaire sur les dispositifs MiraMate

(This is an online training course in French.) Ce webinaire a été animé par Sébastien Mercier le 7 mars 2023.

Interview with Professsionals

An Interview between Elena and John Discusing PEMF

In the interview, John explained the basics of PEMF therapy, including its working theory and what conditions it can help with. He also showed video reviews of our users. John also presented the charity work we have done and how we wanted to make the world a better place. We also have organized the interview for your convenient reading. Check the blog HERE.

An Interview between Elena and John Discussing Magic Pro

Elena Danaa and John had an interview discussing Magic Pro recently, during which they talked about how Magic Pro helps to relieve physical conditions and enhance emotional health. John also provides a detailed explanation of PEMF Therapy. We also have organized the interview for your convenient reading. Check the blog HERE.

About Elena

Elena Danaan is an Archaeologist who spent many years working on diverse sites in Egypt and France studying ancient cultures. Hereditary Shaman, she also studied Pagan Spirituality, Magic, and Alchemy. She was trained and ordained as a Druidess. She wrote many books and is an artist, musician, and singer. She uses her talents at the service of this world and beyond.

The Safest Therapy for Injuries and Inflammation – Dr. Yang’s Interview with John White

During the interview, John White shared his story about PEMF medicine and science. John White’s explanation of the science behind PEMF therapy helps dispel any doubts about its efficacy. He points out that PEMF therapy has been the subject of numerous scientific studies, and the results are consistently positive. We also have organized the interview for your convenient reading. Check the blog HERE.

About Dr. Yang

Dr. Yang is a board-certified psychiatrist and a fifth-generation Chinese medicine and acupuncture doctor. He received a comprehensive education from leading medical institutions in both China and the West.

Through his studies, Dr. Yang discovered that Chinese and Western medicine, despite their apparent contradictions, actually complement each other. He then founded the Yang Institute of Integrative Medicine and share his knowledge of staying healthy and happy.

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