Use MiraMate Flash to Get Rid of a Mole

A month or two back I had a strange mole appear overnight on my neck – about 4-lm in diameter and medium brown, both my husband and I noticed it immediately. I used my little Flash machine on it for a few days, just once a day and it completely went by about the 4th day and was faint by the third. It hasn’t come back.

All of your products are very well made and attractive. I love what you are all doing.

Many thanks

Flash, Products

Use Flash to Help Moles, Acne and Precancerous Lesions

I like the flash really well and I’m still trying out the ray gun. Great results with the flash!!!

I flashed a suspicious looking mole on my neck and it dried up and fell off. My so uses it all the time to dry acne, and my dad, who is bald, has used it to clear up a ton of precancerous lesions on his head. It’s miraculous!

I keep it on level 3 for about 20 seconds max.

Flash, Products

Use Ray Gun to Reduce Itching and Pain

Use Ray Gun to Reduce Itching and Pain

A few weeks ago I got a spider bite on the toe next to my big toe.

Well I think it was a spider because our grass is full of gazillions of tiny spiders and I never wear shoes.

I used Ray Gun on it, and it reduced the itching and pain very well.

Trevor Nelson
Products, Ray Gun

Use Flash for Warts, Skin Tags and Liver Spots

I used 30 amp violet ray on warts and skin tags and liver spots for months with poor results. For a month now I use Flash with noticeable results. No experience with the Ray Gun.

Flash, Products

Use Mini Magic to Help Injuries and Illnesses

Use Mini Magic to Help Injuries and Illnesses

I’ve been using MiniMagic for a number of years now and regularly lend it to friends when they need some support from an injury or illness.
Just today a family friend broke his arm, so I have organized to drop it off to him tomorrow.

Usually, my friends never want to part with it, and end up buying their own MiniMagic because of the profound benefits they receive!

Mini Magic, Products

Mini Magic Is Great for Releasing My Tension and for Overall Relaxation

Mini Magic Is Great for Releasing My Tension and for Overall Relaxation

I am still in the process of exploring the use of Mini Magic for my pain and inflammation which is what motivated my purchase. However, I immediately noticed how relaxed it made me feel and often times I unintentionally fell asleep while using it. Great for releasing my tension and for overall relaxation so far.

Mini Magic, Products

Flash Is Effective at Clearing Acne

Flash Is Effective at Clearing Acne

I currently experience chronic mature-age acne outbreaks on my face, neck, chest, back, even ears, that started suddenly after a reaction to herbal medicine. I have found Miramate Flash to be very effective at healing the outbreaks way faster than without it. I don’t know how I would’ve coped without the Flash during this period! Very grateful for this technology!

Flash, Products

Use Mini Magic and Big Magic to Reduce Joint Pain

Use Mini Magic and Big Magic to Reduce Joint Pain

I love my Mini Magic and BIG magic as I have been using them every day.
It is unbelievable that LFMS is able to reduce my joint pain both on my knee and back.
I do not have to use pain killers anymore.

Big Magic, Mini Magic, Products

Use Big Magic to Help Arthritis and Relieve Pain

I have been using Big Magic to treat severe arthritis in my 92-year-old mother‘s left hip and left knee. Prior to this she was taking a high dosage of opioid painkillers. She cannot walk so is on Big Magic all day and night.

Within three days she stopped using the painkillers and the pain has nearly disappeared. There are occasional flareups, however I re-locate the pad and usually this is gone after 12 hours.

Big Magic, Products

Use Ray Gun to Control Skin Infections and Relieve Itching

Use Ray Gun to Control Skin Infections and Relieve Itching

I am taking medication that unfortunately attacks the collagen in the skin of my feet. They were getting worse and worse and after each dose the infected circles grew. They were so itchy that they woke me up at night. I treated the worse one with the Ray gun, and for control left the other untreated. Once a day. I swiped it over the feet for a few minutes. It’s a large area. The itching on the treated foot immediately stopped, the other foot continued. After 2 treatments in 2 days, I just gave up on the control test and treated the right foot as well. The itching stopped as well. Then the dead skin started to peel off, and the infected circles disappeared. After 4 treatments, the infected circles stopped growing, the skin as an almost even tone, still darker, but not purple as it used to be. I was given steroids to stop this before. But they didn’t work. This is a very big deal.


Ingrid Dinter
Products, Ray Gun

Use Ray Gun to Help a Sore With Success

Use Ray Gun to Help a Sore With Success

Ok, I should have taken pictures! I have a friend who is diabetic and very obese. He had an open sore in the crease of his leg that would not heal. I used the Ray Gun on the sore for two minutes three days in a row last week. He asked me today to take a look at it to see if it was any better. It is completely healed! No scab. No redness. No scar forming. Just gone! I kept looking in the leg crease because I thought maybe I was not looking in the right place. Nada. I am amazed.

I used the angle mode for two minutes for three consecutive days last week. I had not seen my friend again until today when he came to have me check to see if there had been any change in the open sore.


Products, Ray Gun

Mini Magic Has Worked Wonders for My Joint Pain From Arthritis.

Mini Magic Has Worked Wonders for My Joint Pain From Arthritis

Mini Magic has worked wonders for my joint pain from arthritis. I get pain when I overuse a joint (knees, ankles etc) but if I use Mini Magic for an hour or so before I go to bed my pain is usually gone or drastically reduced in the morning. I also have had great success using it for anxiety and depression. I place the coils on my temples and secure with a headband, and wear it for about an hour 3 times a week. I can tell if I slack off or don’t use it when I’m out of town or busy. I start feeling more down and stressed for no reason -then I realize I haven’t been using my Mini Magic and as soon as I start up again I feel better. It’s subtle but definitely there!

Mini Magic, Products

Use Ray Gun to Get Rid of Ringworm

This is my result from using Ray Gun & Earthing strap to attach Tens pad on ringworm.
Ringworm before commencing treatment 01/09/2020: After picture taken applied Ray Gun directly on ringworm for about 30 seconds continuously.
After picture taken 18/09/2020 applied RayGun directly on ringworm for another 30 seconds continuously.
No further treatment since 18/09/2020. Picture taken 07/10/2020


Products, Ray Gun

Get Relief From Chronic Pain With Mini Magic

Get Relief From Chronic Pain With Mini Magic

As soon as I begin to use the Mini Magic I get a sense of deep relief that feels like a type of long term pain that I was so used to, and that I had become accustomed to, suddenly disappear and I breathe freely again

Mini Magic, Products

Use the Ray Gun to Relieve Elbow Pain Successfully

Use the Ray Gun to Relieve Elbow Pain Successfully

Used the Ray Gun for two days now. And my right elbow normally hurts when I wake up but today it barely hurts.

I used direct and angel the first day for one min. Day two I attached the lead for direct and angel mode. Did it for 1 min. then I realized I didn’t wake up with sever pain like I normally do. Pain level was 7 out of 10 normally and today it was 3 out of 10 on pain scale. With 10 being the worst pain I’ve felt.


Products, Ray Gun

I Have Many Strategies With Ray Gun.

Ray Gun

I have many strategies with Ray Gun. I have this on my bed, and ready to go 3x’s a day. I use it around 10 to 30 minutes a session. I hold the ray gun on skin from 15 seconds to 60 seconds, I time sessions with smartphone clock app.

My top health recovery updates.
1. Pain Vanishes. I have pain condition called CRPS or RSD it is classed as the most painful chronic pain condition that is known. After my Ray Gun session, my pain level drops quite drastically; and I feel very good, very calm and can say I become very peaceful, blissed out and pain free.

2. I have had crawling sensation on my face for years. This condition is also Morgellons and or Delusional Parasitosis. I have noticed that this has also disappeared, and am very happy about this. I have known many who have ended their lives because they could not stop these crawling sensations, if only they had this device to end their suffering.

3. I have had a sweat gland on face for around five years, that turned into a sore that would not heal. A few sessions of the ray gun and it has now started to vanish this is quite astonishing to see, especially after many failed, expensive visits to skin specialists.

4. I recently cut my leg and the ray gun not only cauterized wound, also stopped the pain. The accelerated rate of wound healing was quite amazing one of those things have to see it to believe it.

Products, Ray Gun

Use Ray Gun for Cystic Acne

Use Ray Gun for Cystic Acne

I finally managed to meet up with my cystic acne friend and we ran a 1 minute treatment, tube pressed against skin, and there has been a reduction in the size of the cyst after one treatment. The cysts are under the skin so you can’t take photographs.

Products, Ray Gun

Use Ray Gun to Improve the Symptoms of Lichen Sclerosus

Use Ray Gun to Improve the Symptoms of Lichen Sclerosus

Here are some pictures since I have been using the new Ray Gun for my lichen disease.

7/24 I used 5 minutes on my arm and 5 minutes on my stomach/navel. Arc method as per John’s video.

7/25 – 7/27 I used 10 minutes on my arm and 15 minutes on my stomach/navel. Arc method as per John’s video.
7/28 – 7/29 I used twice a day. 10 minutes each time on my arm and 15 minutes each time on my stomach/navel. Arc method using a nylon over the area.
Both areas are improving. They are not as inflamed. Pain is a lot less.

8/7-8/12 I have been using the Ray Gun twice a day for 2 minutes on each area. I use the tens pad and nylons using the arc method. I am still seeing improvements. I feel it is going to take time as I have had this on my stomach/navel for 5-6 years.
8/13-8/18 I am still using the Ray Gun twice a day for 2 minutes each area, using the tens pad with nylon and arc method.

I had Doctors appointment yes with the Dermatologist. He was very pleased that lichens has improved from my Prior visit which was 3 weeks ago.

Products, Ray Gun

Use Ray Gun to Help Nail Fungus and Bursitis Swelling With Success

Use Ray Gun to Help Nail Fungus and Bursitis Swelling With Success

Nail Fungus – Difficult to see on the photo, the base of the nail looks healthier.
Bursitis – Swelling goes down.

Products, Ray Gun

Use Ray Gun to Help Spots on Hands and Insect Bites

Use Ray Gun to Help Spots on Hands and Insect Bites

I’ve done a little work with the Ray Gun. I did a quick test on a lady friend’s hand and we watched a spot disappear in seconds after treatment. Now she’s asking for me to do both her hands!

In the middle of all that going on with my hands and arms, I got bit by an insect, in the crux of my elbow. It was very uncomfortable for several days until I thought to try the Ray Gun on it.

I gave the spot about 45 Seconds of the side of the tube, with the tens pad on the other side of my elbow. The irritation was gone immediately, and the bite looked much reduced. The following day there was very little trace of the bite.


Products, Ray Gun

Use Ray Gun to Get Smoother Skin and Improve Skin Redness

Use Ray Gun to Get Smoother Skin and Improve Skin Redness

I have had 2 successes. The first was with a woman R who had a small patch of rough skin on the forehead. I didn’t take a pictures, as I could not see it, but I could feel it. After 2 2-minute treatments, the skin felt much smoother (maybe an 80% improvement).

A 2nd success was with N who had two patches of red skin on her nose. I treated each of these patches 2 times for 2 minutes. We didn‘t notice any changes after the treatment, but at home, N saw some improvement, and I will be loaning her my Ray Gun tomorrow for her to continue treatments. Here are the before pictures.

Products, Ray Gun

Use Mini Magic to Help My Mother Lower Blood Pressure

Use Mini Magic to Help My Mother Lower Blood Pressure

Been using MiraMate mini coils on my 90-year-old mother for over a year to work on her blood pressure, she’s now off blood pressure medication for a year with no issues.

Mini Magic, Products

Use Flash to Get Rid of Atopic Dermatitis

Use Flash to Get Rid of Atopic Dermatitis

I’ve also had luck with my son’s face. His eyelids and under his nose get all itchy and crusty. The dermatologist said atopic dermatitis. Since I can’t flash eyes I flashed under his nose a few times and it cleared up his eyelids too. I stopped and after a month had started coming back so we are flashing his nose once a day again for a while.


Flash, Products

Use Flash to Help My Father Remove Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Use Flash to Help My Father Remove Squamous Cell Carcinoma

I have only flashed my Dad’s squamous cell carcinoma patch once and he said it made it much softer. Less crusty.

I just got the opportunity to flash it a second time a couple of days ago. It looked soo much better with one flash can’t wait to see how much it changes after even more flashes.


Flash, Products

Use Flash to Get Rid of a Wart

Use Flash to Get Rid of a Wart

Working on one wart now and definitely see a difference. I am just experimenting to tell the truth. Since my skin is super fair I burn easily. I did 5 level with 15 flashes daily. Not every day as I forgot a few times. I started to notice a difference in just a month. It has shrunk and is now flat and not raised.


Flash, Products

Use Flash to Relieve Swimmer’s Ear Pain

Use Flash to Relieve Swimmer's Ear Pain

I want to mention using the Flash on my daughter’s swimmer’s ear. ? She had severe pain and to experiment we did it 3 times about 10 flashes in her ear and the pain went away the same day. Next morning she was able to travel without pain.


Flash, Products

A Wart Has Shrunk in Size After Once or Twice Flash Treatments

A Wart Has Shrunk in Size After Once or Twice Flash Treatments

Here is picture of Evelyn’s wart taken 1st October 2019.
Here is picture of the same wart 26 June 2020.
Wart size today about 5mm x 10mm. I think the wart has shrunk in size, most noticeably height size.
My guess the height of the wart back in October 2019 it would have been about 5mm, now it looks almost normal skin level.
I think I zapped the wart once or twice with Flash unit.

Flash, Products

Use Flash to Help My Dog Clear Renal Adenoma

Use Flash to Help My Dog Clear Renal Adenoma

Thank you for this amazing product. ?? Flash cured my dog, she had a renal adenoma and now it’s completely gone. Vets could only offer surgery and that would have been so invasive I think would have been the end for her, so I had to try something and Flash worked, we are still amazed.


Flash, Products

Use Mini Magic to Help Neck and Shoulder Injuries

Use Mini Magic to Help Neck and Shoulder Injuries

Last week, I fell from my motorbike. I was alone, at slow motion. The garage door closed down but I did not see it. My head bumped, and I was driving at less than 10 km/h. I was lucky because I could have gotten whiplash. My neck hurt but it was not that bad. And the Mini Magic has worked miracles again. Since yesterday, it has been my shoulder that hurts badly when I lie down. It is another consequence of this fall. I managed to fix the Mini Magic on my shoulder this morning (it is not easy, this is why I waited so long, expecting it would be better by itself), and again, my shoulder is far better after only 5 hours. I really love this Mini Magic.

Mini Magic, Products

A Precancerous Skin Lesion Diminished After Flash Treatment

A Precancerous Skin Lesion Diminished After Flash Treatment

I am currently treating my friend who has a pre-cancerous lesion just under her eye. Blood tests have shown there is no cancer in the body. It looks like a flat brown mole and has been changing shape and color, so she has been concerned.

So far she has had 4 treatments with the flash. We started with 10 flashes and add one extra flash each day (I’m working up to 20 flashes). After the first treatment, she noticed the white bit in the middle had gone by the next day. Each time I see her the lesion is fading in color. It was quite brown when I first saw her, it is now quite pale in color. So much so that her friends are commenting, and it’s only been 4 days! I think it will soon be gone.


Flash, Products

Pain Caused by Insect Stings Diminished After Using Flash for Seconds

Pain Caused by Insect Stings Diminished After Using Flash for Seconds

Thanks to Bob for posting about MiraMate Flash relieving insect stings. Today I was staining my deck too close to a hornets hideout that I didn’t see. Immediately a hornet came out and stung me on my face. The sting sensation hurt considerably. I remembered Bob‘s post so I immediately ran inside and put my MiraMate Flash on level 3 and flashed it 10 times. Pain within seconds diminished so much! Thanks, Bob! and Thank you MiraMate team!


Flash, Products

Using Flash to get rid of age spots.

There is a little spot on the side of hubby’s face, in the temple area, that has been improved by the Flash. Although it didn’t completely go away, it gets very reduced.

Flash has made the few age spots on the back of my hands mostly disappear, just 2 faint ones remain on my right hand.

Flash also completely got rid of an annoying little bump near my right shoulder blade that had been sensitive to having pressure from any elastic type straps.

Suzie Winter
Flash, Products

Laying on Big Magic mat to help insomnia and pain.

Laying on Big Magic Mat to Help Insomnia and Pain

I sleep on the Big Magic mat every night. Never turn it off. Sometimes lay on it during the day. I also have Mini Magic and do not use it as much but should. It’s nicely portable.

I view Big Magic as one piece in my natural care kit. It calms an inflamed body. Doesn’t completely take my pain away. But helps. Sometimes it helps slightly with insomnia and anxiety. Sometimes nothing helps insomnia and anxiety. I can’t say I feel major energy from it. More subtle. I leave it flat and do not wrap it. I think this helps it to last longer. If it were to break, I would order another one. If I don’t sleep on it, I wake aching more than when I sleep on it. In this case, I lay on it for 15 min in the morning.


Big Magic, Products

Using Mini Magic for claudication.

Use Mini Magic for Claudication

I purchased MiraMate Flash for myself and Mini Magic for a daughter who was born with congenital scoliosis and has lived with pain all of her life. The machine arrived when Covid-19 hit the UK and I could not get it to her, so I tested it on claudication issues affecting my walking. I am now able to walk more than a few yards without having to rest for 5min pain recovery. So, a replacement Mini Magic is on its way to my daughter who is looking forward to any pain relief upon its use. I feel she will benefit greatly, and I trust in the faith I have in the product. I use Flash to clear skin conditions.

Mini Magic, Products

Using Flash for pre-cancerous sores.

Using Flash for Pre-Cancerous Sores

Recently I was diagnosed with pre-cancerous sores in my vulva area. I had cancer in that area and surgery ten years ago. I was concerned but not fearful as I have been in Natural Health and knowing the body has an innate ability to heal itself. I discovered the Flash VUV light therapy device about two and a half weeks prior to my gynecology checkup. I used it twice a day and last week at my checkup my gynecologist told me that the precancerous sores are healed. Yay for the Flash. I also used it on my friend Mike. He had a pre-cancerous sore on his ear. Zapped it one time and it went away along with the pain. It was precancerous as the doctor had prescribed. What a validation for the Flash.

Flash, Products

Big Magic is great for reducing inflammation and pain.

Big Magic Is Great for Reducing Inflammation and Pain

My wife and I get so much benefit out using Big Magic that we decided to buy another one so we each have one to lay on at night. It is great for reducing inflammation & pain. We both have back pain that has been reduced & it helps us get a good nights sleep. Other body and joint areas are helped a lot. Thanks for all your good products!

Big Magic, Diseases, Pain, Products

MiraMate LFMS Devices for TBI, Sleep Disorders and Pain Management

MiraMate Low Field Magnetic Stimulation Devices for TBI, Sleep Disorders and Pain Management

My husband and I use both Mini Magic and Big Magic. He had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) over Three years ago. The big magic stays on all the time and mostly on his side under his head. I noticed he’s quieter at night when he sleeps with the big magic. My husband makes a lot of noise (talking and moaning) and has more bodily movements if he doesn’t sleep with Big Magic. The mini magic helps both of us with pain. We just strap it on or put a bandanna around it on our necks, or in our waistband for back pain and forget about it. Two useful tools in our healing arsenal of tools.


Big Magic, Mini Magic, Products

Use Big Magic for Back Pain

Use Big Magic for Back Pain

At 65 years old, I love the fact that the Big Magic Mat fits your spine completely and helps my back pain that I normally wake up with but now is gone at least in the morning. Unit is well constructed and made and you don’t have to worry about it being to intense for internal organs like I do with the Sota Magnetic Pulsar I also own and use on my joints. Like the fact that it is bidirectional and shifts polarity rather than only one direction like the Sota Magnetic Pulsar and having the mat means I don’t have to hold it like I do with the Sota unit.

Richard J. Varady
Big Magic, Products

Use Mini Magic for arthritis pain, depression, anxiety and trigeminal neuralgia.

I have been using Mini Magic for several years now. To me, it’s the best pain reliever for arthritic pain. I also use it for depression/anxiety and I can tell the difference when I don’t use it for a week or so. I put a headband around my head, place the coils on my temples and wear it at least an hour. I do this several times a week and it has kept me off antidepressants. I also have problems with trigeminal facial neuralgia and recently thought to try my Mini Magic on it. Within about a half-hour of use the pain was completely gone. The next day I felt twinges of the pain trying to come back and used the MiraMate again with great results and it has not come back since then. I think this is my favorite of the Spooky2 products. So easy to use, portable and really is a great pain reliever.

Mini Magic, Products

Relieve Trigeminal Neuralgia with Mini Magic

Relieve Trigeminal Neuralgia with Mini Magic

I, too, have bouts of facial (trigeminal) neuralgia. I have the scalar and sleep in the field nightly but it didn’t seem to relieve my pain but I used only pure scalar with no meds or oils being transmitted. I did use my mini magic device, stacking the coils and placing them just in front of my ear. Within a half-hour, the pain was completely gone. I felt it coming back a couple of days later and repeated the process and it has been gone completely! Love my mini magic and my scalar!

Mini Magic, Products

Use Flash to Remove Melanoma with Success

Use Flash to Remove Melanoma with Success

I used Flash on three small Melanomas and they are gone. So I didn’t even go to my dermatologist.


Flash, Products

Use Flash to Improve Eczema Related Symptoms

Use Flash to Improve Eczema Related Symptoms

I just treated eczema related symptoms on my stomach using flash recently. Treatment every morning on each related inflamed spot. Lvl 5 for 2 flashes on each spot. Within a week I got the intuition to stop, and another 3 days symptoms relieved and red spots are just about gone!


Flash, Products

Use Flash for Brown Spots and Pain

Use Flash for Brown Spots and Pain

I am 75 and have also used Flash on brown spots. They have disappeared. I have also used flash for pain with success.


Flash, Products

Use Flash to Relieve Pain Caused by Insect Stings

Use Flash to Relieve Pain Caused by Insect Stings

I got stung by what I’m guessing was a scorpion. The pain was a 10 until I pulled the stinger and sac off. Then it was a 9 until I flashed it 15 times at level 5. The pain dropped to 4 in seconds.


Flash, Products

Use Mini Magic for better sleep and pain relief.

Use Mini Magic for Better Sleep and Pain Relief

I have put the Mini Magic on the place that hurt the most. I would lay down and take a nap and have the deepest most restful sleep you can imagine. The rest of the pain I had seemed to go away. Lately, I haven’t had that to happen. I am trying to remember what I did that made that happen.


Mini Magic, Pain, Products

I’ve used flash many times on areas of my face with redness and/ or breakouts with success.

I’ve used flash many times on areas of my face with redness and/ or breakouts with success.

At first, I used a lower level flash while getting used to the product. Now, I use level 5 for everything. Find the spot, 1 or 2 flashes and on to the next spot. Of course, I wear the glasses and usually close my eyes before clicking to flash.


Flash, Products

Use Flash to Get Rid of Skin Tags

Use Flash to Get Rid of Skin Tags

I had skin tags under one of my nipples, did not like the idea of going to the dr. for a freeze off. Knowing the area is tender, used 10 flashes high power once, gone in 3 days. I was impressed.


Ed Vongehr
Flash, Products

Mini Magic truly helps my knee problems.

I have both and use the mini magic weekly and find on my knee it truly helps along with my diet and proper exercise.


Mini Magic, Products

Big Magic es FANTASTICO.

Big Magic es FANTASTICO.
Realmente hay que probarlo para apreciar su bondad.
Soy naturopata y conozco otras marcas de dispositivos LFMS y los precios de las otras marcas son más altos y no son mejores dispositivos que Big Magic.
Te lo recomiendo: por favor pruebalo!

Jose Pacheco Torres
Big Magic, Products

Use MiraMate Flash to Help Skin Redness.

Use Flash to Help skin Redness

This is my son’s knee.
Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture before.

But the skin was red like a lobster.
It didn’t hurt or itch.

Thank you MiraMate for healing the skin of my Son.

We daily did 10 flashes at Level 5 at each part.
We will do it till it’s gone totally.

Skin Redness

After 3 weeks of daily use, the skin became really red.
It was worse than before.
But we kept going on and now it’s completely gone.
We used it for 5 weeks every day.


Flash, Products

I used Flash to help rashes and pimples with success.

Rashes and Pimples Disappeared Within a Few Days of Flash Treatment

I used the flash on my head. I came back from vacation in the woods with a rash that seemed to travel from my head down my body, very itchy and red and driving me crazy for a few months. I finally got the Flash and started using it on the various rash areas. Then I started using it on my head (should have started there I think). The itching and rash got less in just a few days and altogether disappeared in a few weeks, but I was not using it every day. Oh, even before this, I had two pimples for months and months on the back of my head and those disappeared in a few days by flashing them. I am a firm believer in ALL the MiraMate products just within the past few months of using them. My life has changed for the better, thank you, MiraMate team!

It was just 4 or 5 flashes at a time on each area. Really kind of random, a day here a day there. Just testing it out really.


Flash, Products

Flash took care of age spots on my hands.

Use Flash to Get Rid of Age Spots Fast

I have to say, Flash took care of age spots on my hands, it was a gradual fade, I kept flashing a few times here and there, just noticed that most of them are gone! I don’t have before pic but this is what it looks like now, just a few spots left.

Age Spots

I started with the power setting 3 flashed it sporadically, then gradually went up to 5, highest power setting. No more than 5 flashes at a time.


Flash, Products

I’m finding Flash fantastic for pain and aches.

Use Flash to Relieve Pain Immediately

I’m finding Flash fantastic for pain and aches. Yesterday it stopped a persistent pain near my knee. This evening a few shots of Flash decimated ankle pain. Great product. Thank you.

Wherever it hurt I flashed it about six times on level 4 and pain disappeared almost immediately.


Flash, Pain, Products

Now the basal cell is about 90% gone and the keratosis is improving.

I treated several of my skin issues (actinic keratosis and what I believe was a basal cell) and nothing changed at all, until week 3. Now the basal cell is about 90% gone and the keratosis is improving. For me, it just took some time. I’m loving the Flash!


Paula Quenelle
Flash, Products

About 3 weeks ago I started using the flash on toe fungus.

Use Flash to Clear Fungus on Toes

About 3 weeks ago I started using the flash on toe fungus and am happy to note that new nail is growing in with the normal white color. It’s very thrilling to see positive healing changes so soon with a problem that I’ve had for years. Thank you, MiraMate friends!

Thomas c bartlett
Flash, Introduction to MiraMate Flash, Products

For a fungus between the toes, Flash worked fantastically.

Remove Fungus Effectively with Flash

For a fungus between the toes, it worked fantastically. Looked bad, white and raw with skin peeling. After a few treatments, looks much much better. Skin looks much more normal.

If the fungus is on top of the nail, I can see it working. If it is in the nail bed, it may not work as well since it does not penetrate like that – to my understanding.

Cindy Sheppard
Flash, Products

I also just removed a wart on my upper right arm with Flash.

Use Flash to Remove Warts Safely

I also just removed a wart on my upper right arm. Very effective and no bleeding.

Power level 5, 4 sets of 10 flashes in quick succession. Repeated 3 times, a few hours apart. No adverse effects.


Flash, Introduction to MiraMate Flash, Products

Flash for mold in the lungs and right brain.

Mold in Lungs

I am a chiropractor. I have a patient exposed to mold for some time. My muscle tests indicated mold in lungs and right brain. I flashed her lung fields and her right brain, (frontal). The next day muscle tests indicated 20% improvement. She took a unit home to treat herself and the mold in wall and bathroom. She noted that she has a balance board that is difficult to stand on for more than 10-15 seconds. After the head treatment she was able to balance for nearly a minute.

I flashed each lung field 20 times on level 5. She took the unit home with same instructions. I also found it afflicting her right brain. So we added that area for Flashing too.

When patient above was in she related a very interesting phenomenom. She uses a wooble board which she says is hard to balance on for more than 10-20 seconds. But after flashing her brain she balanced close to and a few times over a minute of balancing.


Flash, Products

A mole is now completely gone, my skin did not turn red.

Removing Moles on the Body with Flash Successfully

I had a growth of some sort that popped up in the middle of my back – you know, the very middle where you have a hard time seeing it with a mirror and it’s impossible to touch by yourself. It looked like a mole, but I will never be certain. It could have been a skin tag that bled and turned dark. Whatever, it was ugly and I wanted it GONE. My husband wanted me to go to the doctor to have it removed and I said “Why?” I hate going to doctors; they cause more problems than they solve, and besides, my doctor flat out refused to remove a mole I had on my leg (operative word: “had”) So, I bought the new FLASH. I started out very conservatively on power level one. It didn’t seem to do anything and so the next day, I upped it to power level 5 with 10 flashes. Still nothing. Then I went full bore, power level 5 and 10 flashes. And I quit using the paper with the hole in it. It took about another day to completely go away.

Needless to say, it’s now completely gone, my skin did not turn red, and I’m a very happy camper. My husband? He’s now a believer.


Jayne Baer
Flash, Introduction to MiraMate Flash, Products

MiraMate Flash and Colloidal Silver Review on Basal Cell Carcinoma

Use Flash to Treat Basal Cell Carcinoma

MiraMate Flash and Colloidal Silver Review on Basal Cell Carcinoma Pic 1..before I started, Pic 2…Next day. Pic 3…2 weeks. I Highly Recommend Miramate Flash!

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Flash, Products

Mini Magic for Sleep Disorders, Tendon Repair, and Pain Relief.

Mini Magic for Sleep Disorders, Tendon Repair, and Pain Relief

The Mini Magic has been fantastic. I sleep like a baby now, and it doubles in healing a quadriceps tendon repair. 45 minutes and I am pain-free.


Mini Magic, Products

I used Miramate Flash on a whitehead and an age spot.

Flash for Whiteheads and Age Spots

I used Miramate Flash on a whitehead. The next day when I looked it was nowhere to be seen. I have also been using it every few days on an age spot on my face. It looks like it’s fading. Amazing.

Flash, Introduction to MiraMate Flash, Products

Using Flash for pain, bug bites and skin cancer.

The flash does so many things. I use it for pain, bug bites, clearing skin cancer on my face, and tightening skin (still experimenting).


Flash, Products

I sleep on my Big Magic mat and feel well-rested.

Sleep on Big Magic Mat and Feel Well-rested

I’ve been sleeping on my Big Magic mat since I got it. Instead of waking up at 3:00 am as I have for many years, I’m sleeping 7-8 hours and feeling well-rested.


Big Magic, Products

I sleep with Big Magic mat under my bottom sheet nightly for my low back.

Using Big Magic for Low Back Pain and Neck Issues

I sleep with Big Magic mat under my bottom sheet nightly for my low back. It lays from my tailbone to just below my neck. I do use a pillow or two but when I have neck issues, I use just one pillow and make sure I position myself so it is under my neck. I love it. Such help.


Big Magic, Products

Using Flash for Acne with Success

Using Flash for Acne with Success

I only flashed on acne 5 times a day. Sometimes acne goes away in one day, but sometimes I have to flash a second day. I also used Flash effectively for a sliver in my hand that got infected, taking redness and pain away quickly.


Flash, Products

Using Flash on a melanoma that appeared on my left ear destroyed it immediately.

Use Flash to Treat Melanoma Successfully

Using my new Flash on an apparent 3mm diameter melanoma that appeared on my left ear destroyed it immediately. Prevented a biopsy and several doctor appointments I suppose.

Setting: 3 sets of 12 flashes at Level 5 a few minutes apart with the sets.


Flash, Products

I want to share with you my experience with treating a burn with Flash.


I want to share with you my experience with treating a burn with Flash. I burn myself on 17 December and it was hurting very badly. I put some ice on it and when the pain was gone I flash it on 5 ten times. After 2 days I flash it again on 5 ten times and after 4 days when I was taking a bath, the brown skin went off and underneath all was healed! I was amazed because it’s not my first burn and usually it takes weeks to heal! I took some pictures before and after so you can see the magic of Flash. Thanks to John and his team for this wonderful tool!



Flash, Products

We’ve been using the Flash to help skin problems and joint pain with success.

Using Flash to Help Skin Problems and Joint Pain

We’ve been using the Flash to help skin problems and joint pain with success. A friend of mine tried the Flash on my sore thumb joint and the pain was greatly reduced. I am not sure how long the treatment lasted but it worked so well we ordered one. We now have a Flash of our own and are using it on my hand and on my wife’s skin. I will try to report on our results. The Flash was not advertised for sore joints but it greatly reduced my pain so we tried it ourselves with our new Flash and it really helps.


Flash, Products

Using MiraMate Flash to resolve flat warts on my hands.

Flat Warts

Miramate Flash – Photos (Left: Dec 4, Right: Dec 20) 20 years ago these spots appeared on my hands. Skin doctors said it is a type of flat wart that should resolve itself in 2 to 3 years. They offered to freeze them (caused blistering and was very invasive and uncomfortable when I tried this).

Here are the before and after photos so far. 10-20 “flashes” every day.

Flat Warts


Flash, Products

Flash is great for removing aging spots as well as skin cancer.

Flash for Aging Spots and Skin Cancers

Yep, we are seeing the same results. Also, it’s great for removing aging spots as well as skin cancer. This product is amazing and I’m glad we can get products like this living in the US. Thanks so much!


Flash, Products

I had some eczema on my foot. No more scaling or itching after using Flash.

Flash for Eczema

I had some eczema on my foot. Flashed it on Thursday 10 times on high. Today, Monday greatly improved. Just treated it again will post update.
Update Tuesday: did another 10 flashes last night. Please see picture 3 for result after less than 24 hours
Update: one more round of flash. See the last pic for results. No more scaling or itching.


Ingrid Dinter
Flash, Products

Use Flash to remove warts successfully.

Here is my wart when I started flashing.


Here it is a few days later after I bumped it into the door. It dramatically reduced in size, redness, and tenderness. That is the scab that came off.


Here is the same wart today. First pic is from 11/18, 2nd is 11/25, and then 12/4. I muscle tested for the number of times to flash in a day, and the number of flashes. It varied. I flashed about 15 or so per day. I haven’t flashed it since Saturday last.



Flash, Products

Clearly Flash works for bacteria and also is effective against herpes I.

Flash for Herpes Acne and Infection

I have used it in my face for a small incipient lesion from Herpes I, in the lower cheek. I began directly with 30 flashes (full power, without mask), and after an hour the pain was totally gone. The next day the inflammation due to herpes was completely gone (that’s amazing) but the skin became like red cardboard, and some days after that, it peeled off leaving an ugly surface in a circle of 3cm diameter. After 2 days of applying some moisturizer, people can look again at my face without laughing.

I have also used Flash for the acne on my teenager kids. It works nice for pimples, but the dose required to be effective (more than 15 flashes daily) makes the skin very red, and after a couple of days, it peels off, so the perforated mask is a must.

Due to my DM2, wounds heal very slowly, and very easily they get infected. While opening the parcel containing the device, I cut my left thumb with the cardboard. I decided not to apply the antibiotic cream that I always use in a case like this, and to let the wound to infect. The next day, I had a very nice infected cut, painful at the touch, so I began using flash to kill the bacteria all over the cut. I used only 5 flashes per day (that was my first use of flash), and things went worse and worse, so after three days I had to finally apply the antibiotic cream, as the pain was unbearable, and my thumb was like an aubergine. Now I am sure that if I were used 20 flashes daily, the cut would have healed in a couple of days without issues.

Clearly the device works for bacteria, as the pimples disappear in 3 to 4 days, and also is effective against herpes I, as it fried the lesion in only one session (some collateral effects).

I am wondering how well it would work for herpes in the lips, as the lips’ skin is very sensitive. That would be a game-changer, as the herpes labialis is reason enough to get one Flash.


I have had psoriasis for 40 years. It has been so much better.

I have had psoriasis for 40 years. Always gets worse in springtime, I’ve tried many diets to heal leaky gut syndrome to little success. Got Flash a month ago, been flashing the dry flaky spots every 2nd day. Also using a mix of comprey cream with DMSO and cayenne pepper and 5 drops of geranium. It has been so much better, not totally gone but 80% better! Treating some patients with skin cancer as well, so far so good. It’s an inexpensive great tool to have, as long as u have the discipline to remember to use it. Great for acne, gone in a Flash!

Robin werner

She suffers from joint pains knees, hands, feet. The miramate joint aid give her some relief.

MiraMate Testimonial Joint Aid Miracles for Arthrosis

Good morning, I am Elia from Italy. I bought a miramate joint aid just as launched to help my mother that is 82 years old and suffering about arthrosis since she was 50 years old. She was operated on the herniated disc 25 years ago, she had two operations to insert the titanium hip prosthesis 10 years ago, but she was no longer able to walk well and always with a stick, and a wrist operation for the carpal tunnel, she refuse to operate the other wrist and the scapula because the solution of the doctors is always to operate her. She suffers from joint pains knees, hands, feet especially during the night, and she cannot sleep. The miramate joint aid give her some relief. She uses it every day, and she is happy just for these few months of treatments. I had a spooky Generation X and i have treated her with the cold laser wrist, but it was a little bit complicate for her because of the wire and the generator use. The joint aid is easy to use for an elderly person and it has battery, this motivates her to continue using it every day and see the improvements. Sleeping better, reduce pain, and avoid operations are all miracle gifts. Thank you very much.

MiraMate Joint Aid

LFMS therapy literally drove out the pain and reduced the swelling.

Low Field Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for Tendon Repair

Last winter I had 2 accidents, rupturing both quadriceps tendons. I had been using my Mini Magic to help me sleep. After returning home 3 months later, while going through painful Physical Therapy, I decided to try it on my knees. That is the best decision I could have made. While still mainly in a wheelchair I started Pemf therapy after every PT session. It literally drove out the pain and reduced the swelling. Now, it is time for me to get a Big Magic. In less than a year I am walking almost normally. I do a few miles a day on the treadmill to maintain the functionality of my knees. Oh yes, I also sleep like a baby now, all night long. Waking up is easy, just turn the Mini Mate off, within a few minutes I am up and about.

George Meier
Big Magic, Mini Magic, Pain

I soon forgot about it after flashing so the itching must have stopped quite quickly.

Using Flash to Help with An Itchy Bite

I’ve got another success story. I was doing some cleaning yesterday and got bitten by something. There was a big raised bump on my arm and it was incredibly itchy to the point of driving me insane! Luckily I remembered I had been waiting for an itchy bite to flash. I soon forgot about it after flashing so the itching must have stopped quite quickly. In the morning the raised bump was gone, I could just see a small puncture wound from the insect and of course red skin from Flash. This is really exciting because I *HATE* itchy bites!

Trevor Nelson

My neck pain was completely gone!!!

Using Flash for Neck Pain

Last week I received “Miramate Flash” in the mail. The first treatment I flashed my neck at least 25 times with the power level at 5. To my amazement, in less than a minute my neck pain was completely gone!!! This really is an incredible Healing Tool!!!

John White, you are a Genius!!!

Leonard Heit
Flash, Neck Pain

Flash seems to have cleared up several spots that were puffy.

Using Flash to Help Fungal Skin Infections

Flash seems to have cleared up several spots that were puffy, then would erupt with a powdery, scabby substance, which several Dr.s shook their heads about…
It also seems to be helping with an issue that is most likely fungal based, but medical fungicides didn’t help it, so don’t know what the cause is… Still working on it, though, so it may be both surface and internal…


Flash is MAGIC on pimples!

Flash is Amazing for Pimples

Flash is MAGIC on pimples! I’ve tried it on two that were starting to erupt and they stopped erupting and healed over quicker than anything else I have ever tried! I had one above my top lip, under my nose, and those are the worst having to shave over them. Flash nuked it like magic!

Trevor Nelson

I strongly recommend Mini Magic for anyone to receive faster and improved healing and health!

Mini Magic for Pain Relief

I have been using Mini Magic since they were first released, and have lent it out to many friends who have injured themselves in different ways.

The first was my kid’s school teacher who had broken her wrist … she used it every day for 2 weeks and found huge improvement with pain and also the faster healing time.

The next was a friend whose son broke a few vertebrae and had to wear a cast around his upper torso. He found that is helped reduce the pain, and also surprised the doctor with his fast improvement … but while the son wasn’t using the MiniMagic, his wife used it on her hands and were amazed at how effective it was to treat arthritis in both of her hands. She witnessed great relief from it – and has since bought a couple of Mini Magic devices for himself and family.

The latest was a friend who broke both the Fibula & Tibia in his leg after a motorcycle accident, and had to get screws and plates put in his leg. He recognized the instant improvements, both pain relief and rapid healing, that he decided that he wasn’t going to give it back and gave me money to buy myself a new one which I just recently have!

It is great that it is so small that you can easily sleep in bed with it beside you, receiving the healing benefits from it all night.

I strongly recommend this for anyone – even just to have as a backup for if/when you, your family members or friends have an accident and want to receive faster and improved healing and health!

Mini Magic, Pain

Flash is helping me clear up my Candida fungal outbreak on the skin of my neck more quickly.

Use Flash to Help with Candidiasis on the Skin

Flash is helping me clear up my Candida fungal outbreak on the skin of my neck more quickly. The outbreak is about 4″ x 2″ now. It started at 2″ x 1″. When I began using Flash the expansion stopped and healing began. I continue to use other treatments. Adding Flash twice a day, 20 flashes at level 4, has stopped the expansion and begun the healing.

Malcolm Pullen

His facial acne has dried up and is healing.

Flash for Facial Acne

I used Flash on my son 4 days ago. 30 flashes on setting 1. His facial acne has dried up and is healing.

Son’s results after 1 session. I have to say, the lighting is different in the photos, but the results are very impressive in person.
4 days after.

They have completely dried up, no white centers.


Tyler Polsgrove

Using MiraMate Laser and Flash for just a short time but already seeing results.

Joint Aid for Back Pain, and Flash for Warts

I have been using MiraMate Laser and Flash for just a short time but am already seeing results.

In my healing practice I see many people with joint issues that MiraMate Lasor comes in very handle with. It is so handy and easy to use. I can start a bodywork session of with the Laser to bring some healing to those areas before I work with them. One way I especially like to use the laser is on specific acupuncture points. I can feel the energy ignite the meridian and help to balance the energy. I have also used it on neuropathy and back pain issues. Clients usually will feel more relief as the day goes on.

I have been using Flash for just a couple of weeks on myself now. I have been working on a wart that has been very stubborn for a couple of years with nothing making a difference on it. It is now about half the size. Also using it on a spot on my back that had a skin area removed. It tested negative for any cancers but has remained uncomfortable and itchy even after removal. Flash has made a difference with this as well. Normally when I go to bed it bothers me to lay on it and that is better, it is also healing better. I used it on a leg wound from a wire fence a couple of months ago that has been slow to heal. That is now almost healed. Now I am working on a few facial spots and seeing some results already.

Thank you for Flash and MiraMate Laser! Both have helped me personally, with family and with clients in my healing practice!

Heidi Gilman
Flash, MiraMate Joint Aid

With MiraMate Joint Aid in hand I applied to my sinus.

Using Joint Aid to Get Relief from Sinus

It’s late fall here and I annually suffer from sinus issues. With MiraMate Joint Aid in hand I applied to my sinus. There was instant relief from congestion and excessive discharge. I apply this treatment daily. It has not provided a cure, but is a wonderful relief!

Steve Blubaugh
MiraMate Joint Aid

I have been using the Flash on a rare skin disease called Lichen Sclerosus.

Flash for Lichen Sclerosus

I have been using the Flash on a rare skin disease called Lichen Sclerosus. This disease is an autoimmune disease and has no known cure. The Flash is working on this by peeling a layer off at a time. I expect it will take sometime for mine to clear as I have had this for several years and the layers are deep. Thank you MiraMate for such a great product.

Judy Bartlett

Flash for aging spots and skin cancer.

Flash for Age Spots and Skin Cancer

Some weeks ago I treated myself with the radium weed. ( face) It took me circa 10 days and my skin was like a baby’s bottom so clearer.

Again I treated a cancer spot on the face. One day radium weed 2 times first setting on the flash. In 2 days, the crust fell off and beautifully clean skin showed up.

My aging spots on my hand are every day improving. I wish I can show you all it is just amazing. Thank you JW one more miracle, I am so grateful and confident what I see.

Daja Nylof

I wanted to share my story with regard to using Flash to eliminate age spots.

Using Flash to Eliminate Age Spots Successfully


I wanted to share my story in regards to age spots. We just received our MiraMate and here is 2 pictures of a age spot on my face near my eyes. I flashed it every day for only 4 days, 10 flashes at the #5 setting, yes it did leave a rectangular red spot but I had to take a trip for a few days so I was not able to use the FLASH for days 5-8.. so the second picture is on day 8. All the skin dryed out and lifted off! I still need to get some other spots in the area, but wanted to thank MiraMate, John and Echo for this fantastic device! I am grateful for you for caring about people and making something that is affordable for all!

Thank you, Elizabeth Knight

Age Spots

Elizabeth Knight

I use the MiraMate mat each evening for a restful deep sleep.

Using Big Magic for A Restful Deep Sleep

I use the Mira mate mini mat each evening to start a system for relaxing into a restful deep sleep for healing. This has begun a new routine for me each night after a long hard day of working. The body has a unique ability to heal itself, given the proper rest and nutrition.

Donna Ward
Big Magic, Insomnia

I have been using the new MiraMate FLASH and here are some of my first results.

Use Flash to Help with Wound Infections

Exciting news! I have been using the new MiraMate FLASH and here are some of my first results. I had an accident in Hawaii two months ago and my leg was very infected. The staff tried all sorts of programs, things got better. Then it would get inflamed again. It was finally healing now but not completely.

I received FLASH last week and started treating the area every three days. I started at half power and with no negative reaction. I put on full power and it was a game-changer. It’s definitely on the mend now. The deep infection is gone and redness is half of what it was, plus the bruised looking area is getting smaller and smaller. Also, I have been treating some red scaly areas on my forehead and they are flaking off and smooth skin is underneath. This is been going on for years so I’m very hopeful that that will resolve itself. Also, I will be posting more pictures when I get them off my forehead.

Five days later almost completely healed.

Flash Review



The warmth of the laser really feels good and eases the pain.

Back Pain and Arthritis

I use it (Joint Aid) often to relieve pain in my low back. It seems to have helped my arthritis in the lowest 4 discs. I wedge it in the waist band of my pants or Pjs. Sometimes I use it on my neck and rest it against the recliner.
The warmth of the laser really feels good and eases the pain.


MiraMate Joint Aid, Pain

After one treatment my painful right thumb seems well on its way to being normal and useful.

Using Joint Aid to relieve Thumb Pain

My MiraMate Joint Aid arrived today. I am excited about the future with this device: after one treatment my painful right thumb seems well on its way to being normal and useful. I’m hopeful my right hip will improve, as well!


MiraMate Joint Aid, Pain

It’s amazing how this reduces inflammation. My bursitis appears to be gone.

MiraMate Reviews Joint Aid for Bursitis

I LOVE my cold laser!! Use it every day. After years of taking meds for inflammation and pain, it’s amazing how this reduces inflammation without meds or with reduced meds.
Joints esp knees and elbows, swollen veins are my top daily uses. My bursitis pocket appears to be gone – after the doctor said I would have it the rest of my life. ?

Thanks, Miramate!! ?


Joint Pain, MiraMate Joint Aid

This is my favorite healing device I have ever used. Its easy and effective.

MiraMate Joint Aid Testimonials

This is my favorite healing device I have ever used. Its easy and effective. Love that its cordless.
-Has really helped my vasculitis. Am amazed how my swollen veins have reduced and some have disappeared.
-Painful joints are helped.
-Planter fasciitis pain is gone for the whole day.
-Pain from spinal stenosis is gone.
Nothing has helped my pain like this little device has. I love that I can use this instead of taking NASIDS and hope to one day reduce my prescriptions.

Joint Pain, MiraMate Joint Aid

I have now done 2 days of treatment using Joint Aid, twice a day for 30 minutes on left hamstring and now feeling it is getting better.

Hamstring Pain

I have now done 2 days of treatment using Joint Aid, twice a day for 30 minutes on left hamstring which I haven’t been able to heal for the last 6 weeks and now feeling it is getting better. Right hamstring developed a niggle about a few weeks after the left started hurting because I was putting more stress on it. Right hamstring now hurts more than the left and now treating both.

MiraMate Joint Aid

I set the joint Aid to medium power, 30 min continuous and put it on the back of my hand. That short session made a HUGE difference.

MiraMate Joint Aid Testimonials

Got my Joint Aid today and fired it up on my hand. I have severe repetitive stress injury. I got hired to cable a manufacturing building and after a week of hard work my hand has been feeling like it’s on fire.

I set the joint Aid to medium power, 30 min continuous and put it on the back of my hand. I can’t say that after one 30 min session that my hand is completely healed, but that short session made a HUGE difference. I’ve got it strapped to my knee right now set for 60 min.

MiraMate Joint Aid

The energy from the device flows through the core of my body and penetrates the nerves and muscles.

I sleep on the Big Miramate mat every night. I have extreme anxiety at the thoughts of laying down due to having insomnia for years and being frustrated with not being able to go to sleep. I also have deteriorating low back and neck which causes pain and makes me unable to sleep. I then get tenser with pain.

What it does…. relaxes and calms my body. It seems to unwind the tight and tense muscles and nerves. It also seems to help the medicine I’ve taken at night to take effect more quickly when using the mat versus not using the mat. It’s as if the energy from the device flows through the core of my body and penetrates the nerves and muscles. along my spine. I do not know medically what it does. I can only state what it feels like.

I usually lay on the mat for an hour then remove it and lay it between the mattress and sideboard of the bed. If I wake in pain, I slip it under my hips and low spin again.

Before I had the mat, I used the mini Miramate coils, preferring the quad coils over the single coils for various spots I have pain. Now, I sometimes use both but mostly use the mat.

Suzi Smith
Big Magic, Diseases, Insomnia, Pain, Products

I had to buy an extra Mini to lend to people because it works so well.

Low Field Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for Lower Back Pain

As far as results are concerned, I’ve let a number of people try out my Magic devices. I had to buy an extra Mini to lend to people because it works so well. The Big Magic stays home. While I’ve had great results with short term demonstrations of the Mini, the Big Magic is a device you spend time with and frankly, I’m just not willing to be without it. I sleep with mine along my spine or with my shoulder on it and it’s great. I don’t have any seriously degenerative spinal issues. But I spend a lot of time on my feet, a fair amount of time climbing up and down ladders, etc. So at the end of some days, I’m needing help. Instead of popping a couple of Ibuprofen, I get the Big Magic on my lower back for the evening.

My wife uses it frequently and it helps her too when her lower back is driving her nuts.


Big Magic, Mini Magic, Pain

Big Magic does help with my fibromyalgia chronic pain and stenosis in my back.

Use Big Magic for Fibromyalgia and Spinal Stenosis

I have fibromyalgia chronic pain and stenosis in my back. It helps a lot and seems to help the meds work better and perhaps take less meds. But I do still take anti-inflammatories. I lay on the Big Magic every night for 30 minutes or so when I first go to bed. Sometimes I lay on it when I wake up and sometimes during the day as needed. It’s very nice to have a Big Magic.


Suzi Smith
Big Magic, Pain

Big Magic Make me Relief From Ear Infection Pain

Use Big Magic to Get Relief from Ear Infection Pain

I recently suffered from a debilitating ear infection. The pain was relentless and lasted six weeks. Rather than taking pain killers every few hours I found relief from the pain with Big Magic.

Amazing piece of technology that really does work.

A big THANK YOU to everyone at Spooky2.


Big Magic, Pain, Products

BIG MAGIC by MiraMate has already proved magical for me!

Improve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Big Magic

BIG MAGIC by MiraMate has already proved magical for me! On the first night after receiving it I slept with the mat under my sheet. I relaxed as soon as I lay on it, fell asleep almost immediately, had a great night’s sleep, and woke up the next morning feeling incredibly energized. True story!

Since then, apart from a very few nights, I’ve slept with the BIG MAGIC mat under a lightweight mattress topper and yet have still experienced positive results. I did not expect the increase in metabolism that has resulted, and yet that’s definitely what is happening.

Later I was told LFMS is known to increase cellular metabolism. Consequently, I’m thinking BIG MAGIC may be really useful for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (one of my past issues), and I’m also wondering if it would be good for weight management given how I felt after the very first use.

One way or the other, I’m very happy with BIG MAGIC and hope others will feel likewise.


Sharyn Peacock
Big Magic, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Big Magic works for persistent Lumbalgia.

Using Big Magic for Persistent Low Back Pain

I have been using Big Magic for a persistent Lumbalgia that comes and goes since 4 or 5 months, which gives me sometimes a lot of pain, especially when getting out of bed.

When I received it, I used Magic for 3 or 4 hours while sat in front of my computer, without any results, so I get somehow disappointed. After that, I thought that miraculous healings don’t exist, unfortunately, so the next day I put the mat under the sheets of my bed, and I have slept over the mat for 5 days.

Day 1 and 2 I didn’t experience any improvement at all, but I kept my faith on.

On the third day, suddenly I noticed an evident improvement, with the pain gone in an astonishing 70%.

The fourth day the pain was gone in a 90%, and day 5 pain was completely gone.

My Doc recommended me to take injections of VitB12, and the case is the pain has gone even without having started to take the vitB12 injections (which I am not going to have, as I don’t like syringes). I am curious if this is a very temporal fix and the pain is going to come back soon, but today I am painless, and that is super nice.

Manuel Mallo
Big Magic, Lumbalgia

Mini Magic is working wonders on my broken finger.

I’m currently treating myself with the Mini Magic. It’s working wonders on my broken finger. It really keeps the pain level down. It also seems to have made the swelling go down considerably. I was using ice packs and ibuprofen, but neither were helping with the swelling. Kind of weird I didn’t expect that. So far, I like it and can’t wait to try the mat!


Dann Lyons
Mini Magic, Pain

I’ve been using this for the last few weeks and can tell you it is a game changer for me.

Low Field Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for Neck Pain and Back Pain

I’ve been using this for the last few weeks and can tell you it is a game changer for me. I am usually sleeping on it with it under my pillow inside the pillowcase. It fits a queen size pillow very well. I tried it also on top of the pillow inside the pillowcase, and it is very strong in this configuration. I am also in the scalar field with my units 70 feet or so apart to cover the entire house for those who asked if you can use them together.

I sleep better and wake with a very loose neck compared to when I do not turn it on. It is helping to release some very old misalignments in my neck like I just finished seeing a chiropractor. I have had great benefit to using the mini-magic and the quad coils on my neck, but this is far far more effective and easier to use while sleeping. I find both to be very useful depending on my needs.

My initial test I had the mat running down my spine from the top of my head to focus on my neck and back. However, given that I do not keep that position while I sleep, found it better to run the mat side to side just under my neck. No matter how I toss or turn, my head/neck is positioned well.

The mat comes across very durable, and the cable is very thick (appears to be 1/4 inches in diameter). I’m not worried about breaking the cable while sleeping.

My mom had some back pain due to gardening and I had her place the mat behind her back. Within 15 minutes she did the stand up test and had no more pain. Usually, it takes a few hours for her pain to fade while remaining motionless. She was also in the scalar field. We’ve repeated this twice now. She had some relief using the quad coils in the past, but this worked so fast she commented that it made a believer out of her that it was directly helping with her issue and not possibly a coincidence.

I find it convenient that they provided two ways to power this device. There is the standard power port which the included power cable plugs into. However, there is also a standard USB plug like the kind found on your phone. With this plug, you can plug it in like a cell phone into your computer for power or any standard USB port.

I do not recommend you have power cables into both ports at the same time, nor would I recommend using a fast charger to power the device not knowing the technical specifications of the device yet.



Jeff Kaczor
Big Magic, Pain

The Big Magic seems to stop the “prickles” when he is sitting leaning back against it.

I have two early impressions of the Big Magic LFMS mat. I tried it propped up behind me when I am sitting at my computer, it has definitely helped reduce the ache I get in the shoulder blades area of my back when I am tired from standing up a lot. Reduces the achy feeling a lot. Then I let my husband try it, we put it so he could lean back on it when sitting at the table for breakfast. He has had very annoying “prickly” feelings on his back since he had an outbreak of shingles a couple of years ago.

The Big Magic seems to stop the “prickles” when he is sitting leaning back against it. It also seems to have some lasting improvement that extends during the rest of the day. The prickles are usually back the next morning, but the Magic helps again.

Suzie Winter
Big Magic, Pain

Big Magic works every time for my muscle and joint aches and pains.

Tonight I attended a meeting.

One of the other people at the meeting was a fellow who works as a parcel delivery person. He mentioned that he had stressed his back today, was in a great deal of pain and would have to ice his back when he got home. I had my MiraMate Big Magic with me and offered to have him try it during the meeting. He agreed and spent the next 2 hours or so with the pad behind his spine. When the meeting was done, I asked him how he felt. He stood up, moved around a bit and told me his pain was gone!

It’s worked every time for my muscle and joint aches and pains too. Great thing to have around.


Bob W
Big Magic, Pain

The first time I use Big Magic LFMS,  neck pain vanished within a few hours!

Low Field Magnetic Stimulation therapy for neck pain

I am very grateful to be using Big Magic. Very simple, intuitive, easy to use. I like falling fast asleep, laying on Big Magic, allows me to have deeper REM sleep, as documented on my Fitbit watch. I have noticed many improvements in my health. I sometimes have neuropathic pain (crps) and anxiety from walking on my shattered left foot.

When I feel flared up, take some time out, and soon feel relaxed and pain-free. I have been going to the chiropractor for neck pain, and even though vertebrae adjusted, neck would still hurt. The first time I use Big Magic LFMS,  neck pain vanished within a few hours! I am also very happy with how it makes my skin look and feel, many skin blemish – anomalies have disappeared. My other favorite proven benefits of applying Big Magic Pemf are: improved blood supply increases oxygenation, activating and regenerating cells, bone regrowth, improved transport of nutrients in and around the body, improves the quality of cartilage in joints, Fracture Healing. There are hundreds more health benefits. I highly recommend getting Big Magic to experiment.

Chaffee cline
Big Magic, Neck Pain

After using Magic LFMS mat for three treatment sessions spread over three days, I got the best pain relief result.

Use Big Magic for Pain Relief

I’m an over sixty social tennis player and when I get a muscle injury it usually takes a long time to heal. I also can’t take anti inflammatory drugs as I have had a bad reaction to them in the past. Mini-Magic LFMS has given me pain relief but never completely healed my lower back muscle issue. After using Magic LFMS mat for three treatment sessions spread over three days, I got the best pain relief result. A few days later I reinjured the same muscle playing tennis and after three more daily sessions with Magic LFMS mat I had reduced the pain significantly again. The product is well made and easy to use.

Karl Becker
Big Magic, Pain

The Mini Magic is great for pain and healing.

The Mini Magic is great for pain and healing. As Joe Strothman mentioned, it hasn’t removed all my pains completely, but for me, it has been greatly reduced and with regular use, and I’m thinking it may go away. I’ve had great luck with it for eye issues, headaches, neck pain, knee and back pain, headaches, indigestion, etc. For me, it’s the best thing I’ve ever used that gave results within an hour or so. Plus being portable and reasonably priced, you can go anywhere and do almost anything with it on. I’d recommend for those who buy it to also add the quad coil. The quad is even more effective- you can feel the difference.

I have fibromyalgia and IBS and a few other things that this helps. For my eyes, I put a fabric headband (from the cosmetics/hair products area of department or drug store)and place the coils over my eyes and use the headband around my head to hold them in place. I look super cool when wearing them (lol) but it really helps. For indigestion, I place one just above my navel and one around where I think the top of my stomach is. I’ve even used them at my temples thinking it might help my eyes also. I wear them for about a half an hour to hours, but I have fallen asleep with them on. No negative effects that I’ve seen. Good luck!

Paula Quenelle
Mini Magic, Pain

Natural Health Practitioner – Dr. Yole Raam: Why Do I Recommend Everyone to Use Mini Magic?

Dr. Yole Raam is a natural health practitioner who is usually very busy. So, he often travels between the airport, the train, and the subway, which lead to physical discomfort and frequently severe headache.

He had a noticeable effect in half an hour when he first used Mini Magic and the headache completely disappeared after three hours.

He thinks Mini Magic is great for pain treatment and easy to carry, especially suitable for use in travel, so he recommends everyone to use Mini Magic.


Dr. Yole Raam
Mini Magic, Pain

Immediately after I use it, my back is completely or almost completely pain-free.

Catherine Brady

I listened to a talk from someone who had used Mini Magic for severe back spasms. I have had chronic back pain for at least four years, sometimes mild, sometimes quite painful, always in the same place. My physician has no idea what causes it, or what can be done to relieve it. I have tried chiropractic and physical therapy. The PT was somewhat helpful, but the pain is never gone for long.

I ordered the Mini Magic, and it arrived in a few days. I have been using it twice a day for at least 30 minutes each time. Immediately after I use it, my back is completely or almost completely pain-free. It is absolutely astounding! The pain does return in a day or two if I don’t use Mini Magic, but as time has gone by, the pain is less and less. I have high hopes that whatever is the root cause of this back pain will be addressed by using LFMS. In the meantime, it takes no effort to use Mini Magic, so I will continue to use it on my back for as long as needed. My partner has started using it for years-long chronic knee pain, with gradual but sure success, too! I am super grateful I learned about Mini Magic, and I am telling all my friends about it.

Catherine Brady
Diseases, Mini Magic, Pain, Products

Since receiving my Mini Magic in July, I’ve experienced only positive results.

Since receiving my Mini Magic in July, I’ve experienced only positive results. I occasionally feel some minor tingling in my extremities but that’s it. I find it helps me very much with indigestion and pain (low back, neck, head, joints, hands, etc.) It’s so portable that I can go anywhere with it. Pretty amazing.


Paula Quenelle
Mini Magic, Pain, Products

The pain disappeared within 30 minutes of use of the Mini Magic.

I have had ongoing foot/arch pain for 6 months. The pain disappeared within 30 minutes of use of the Mini Magic. I use it every day so hoping that in a week the results will be permanent.

Monika Ruth
Diseases, Mini Magic, Pain, Products

I am grateful for this fantastic instrument and am recommending it to others!

Four weeks ago I took a fall and hurt my back severely.

The pain was intense and the muscle tension released very slowly. I couldn’t carry much more than the weight of a gallon of water at a time.

Last weekend, I attended a 2 day meeting in another state that required me to fly for 5 hours.

I had to use a carry on luggage with rollers, as I couldn’t carry the weight of my laptop in a shoulder bag.

I had to ask other passengers to carry my bag for my through the plane and lift it into the overhead.

During the conference, I used the Mini Magic for the full day, as I could easily plug it into a USB port and hide it discretely under my jacket, while working and taking notes.

To my great surprise, the next day felt 90% better! The pain had almost completely subsided, only a small discomfort and tension was left.

When I flew back, I could now carry my suitcase myself, even up and down stairs.

I just asked for help with the overhead storage, as I didn’t want to take a risk.

Before the conference, I could hardly carry a gallon of water.

After a day with the Mini Magic, I carried my carry on luggage and a shoulder bag.

Before, I would have had spasms and pain after carrying this weight, after, I felt very little effects.

I am grateful for this fantastic instrument and am recommending it to others!

Ingrid Dinter
Diseases, Mini Magic, Pain, Products

My pain has reduced by 50% and still getting better.


I thought I would share my very first experience with MiraMate’s Mini Magic. I have chronic late stage lyme and now have arthritis in my thumbs and wrists which is debilitating it comes and goes but mostly always really painful can hardly text, open jars etc, since I’ve had the Mini Magic my pain has reduced by 50% and still getting better, I use it for half an hour daily on my thumbs and wrists and it makes a huge difference just wanted to share. Thanks for this great portable pain relief.

Debra O'Connell
Diseases, Mini Magic, Pain, Products

Mini Magic is one of my top strategies for releasing pain, yes quite amazing.

I have a testimony… few weeks ago was traveling… and I stepped out of vehicle wrong… I suddenly had a massive leg cramp charlie horse… like all the muscles were about to snap in my leg. I grabbed the Mini Magic, turned it on…and scanned my leg up and down with LFMS coils (they were taped together) Usually when this happens to me my leg constricts and spasms for usually 20-30 minutes of intense pain, like screaming 10/10 pain. Well I grabbed the LFMS coils and ran it up and down my leg, and setting it on pain points. I think my leg turned to normal in about sixty seconds. I could not believe it, in total shock. I now carry Mini Magic with me 24/7 just in case this happens to me again. I have CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) neuropathy, my body is always doing pain things. I think at moment Mini Magic is one of my top strategies for releasing pain, yes quite amazing.

Chaffee Cline
Diseases, Mini Magic, Pain, Products

My first experiences with the Mini Magic

Working for many hours in front of a computer, as I do every day, can be very stressful. Without your noticing, stay still while you write and draw, regardless of your posture.

But over time the consequences become evident. Thus begins a pain in the neck that becomes unbearable and that takes you throughout the day, without respite.

But since I have my Mini Magic, these problems have disappeared! I apply the two coils on the shoulder, I electrically power the Mini Magic from the USB port of my computer, and finally I can work without interruption and without pain!

I’m sure it will help me 100 other times, above all because I will be able to use it also in the car, thanks to the USB power supply that now have all the cars.

The Mini Magic, thanks to the technology with which it was designed and the fact that you can take it anywhere, is a great invention!

Marcello Allegretti
Diseases, Mini Magic, Pain, Products

Mira Mate’s Mini Magic makes miracles Bursitis in Leg

For over a year my feet have hurt. Then I noticed pain in my outer thigh and low back. I felt I needed a good chiropractor visit. Last summer the chiro gave a whole body adjustment. He said my leg pain was bursitis and my foot was planter fasciitis due to wearing improper shoes with no support (flip flops). He gave little hope the pain would ever go away.

I went to a support shoe store and tried on 30 styles and brands of shoes and purchased 3.

The high arch support shoes brought relief to my feet but the bursitis sharp pain continued.

Not only do I have bursitis in my upper outer thigh but I had knots developing down the leg into my knee and into my hip and low back. I have a physical job and thought I would have to change careers. But now I have hope.

Mira Mate’s Mini Magic arrived. Some nights I use the Mini Magic when I first go to bed for 3-4 hours on my thigh or low back.

This takes the pain away for 3 days. I am noticing the knots disappearing as well. As an added bonus, it is helping the minor pain if varicose veins.

Its great to be active without the pain again! At first it was 1 day of relief but the more I use it, it seems to be extending the time I need it. I am very much loving the mobility of the Mini Magic. I clip the base to my pants or put in a pocket while the coils are strapped to my leg and go anywhere with it. To the store, sleep with it or go anywhere in my house.

Thank you Mira Mate in designing this great product and making miracles happen!!!

Suzi Smith
Diseases, Mini Magic, Pain, Products

I used 2 pairs of stacked coils on it for several hours the past 2 days an the pain is almost completely gone. Totally amazing!!

I did something to my knee while carrying my granddaughter and that night I could barely move it because of the pain. I used 2 pairs of stacked coils on it for several hours the past 2 days an the pain is almost completely gone. Totally amazing!!


Mini Magic, Pain, Products

MiraMate continues to deliver for my arthritis pain and just the aches and pains of getting old!

MiraMate continues to deliver for my arthritis pain and just the aches and pains of getting old! I also use it faithfully for 3-45 minutes every morning, one coil on each temple hoping it would help with insomnia, anxiety and depression. I believe it has lessened the depression and anxiety quite a bit.


Insomnia, Mini Magic, Pain, Products

I run it on the low setting while I try to sleep. So far it has never failed me.

What works for me to make me sleep is to place the coils on each side of my spine above the hips and place it there when I can’t go to sleep. I run it on the low setting while I try to sleep. So far it has never failed me.


Insomnia, Mini Magic, Products

Using one as we speak. Works wonders on sore joints.

Using one as we speak. Works wonders on sore joints.


Joint Pain, Mini Magic, Products

Sometimes I get tension headaches on the back of my head. It’s got rid them within 20 minutes.

Sometimes I get tension headaches on the back of my head. It’s got rid them within 20 (?) minutes. I double it up and it feels nice holding the coils there.


Headaches, Mini Magic, Products

Mini Magic has a Thumbs up from me!

Mini Magic for Pain Relief

I have 3 daughters, my youngest is 2 yrs old and this is who I used it on.

For about 1 wk now, my daughter has been waking up at night complaining of foot pain on her left foot. She is a very active 2 yr old, always running around with her sisters. She loves to run around in my kitchen area with no socks, barefeet on the wooden floor.

I noticed that when she was running, her foot would slap on the floor very loud because it was a bit swollen from her constant running. We tried to put socks on her, sneakers, but she kept taking it all off.

Anyway, Mini Magic came and that evening about 1 hour before bedtime, I put her on the couch with me and held the coils on her foot. One on the top and one on the bottom. I tested the 3 modes and I saw a positive reaction from her when I put it on the 3rd mode. I had to hold them there the whole time because she wouldn’t let me wrap her foot with them on. I feel she felt relief in the area because she let me hold them on her for over ten mins without any movement and it seemed she liked what she felt from it. During the time of holding them on her, the swelling in her foot came down a lot.

That night, she slept through the whole night without waking up. Mini Magic has a Thumbs up from me! I saw instant come down in swelling and positive reaction to pain relief. I also have been doing 10 min sessions on myself before bed time. more for rejuvenation, but will report back when my pain issues come up.

Michael Rinaldi
Diseases, Mini Magic, Pain, Products