BIG MAGIC by MiraMate has already proved magical for me! On the first night after receiving it I slept with the mat under my sheet. I relaxed as soon as I lay on it, fell asleep almost immediately, had a great night’s sleep, and woke up the next morning feeling incredibly energized. True story!
Since then, apart from a very few nights, I’ve slept with the BIG MAGIC mat under a lightweight mattress topper and yet have still experienced positive results. I did not expect the increase in metabolism that has resulted, and yet that’s definitely what is happening.
Later I was told LFMS is known to increase cellular metabolism. Consequently, I’m thinking BIG MAGIC may be really useful for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (one of my past issues), and I’m also wondering if it would be good for weight management given how I felt after the very first use.
One way or the other, I’m very happy with BIG MAGIC and hope others will feel likewise.